Family law matters can be some of the most stressful and difficult in a person’s life, especially when children are involved.
Family lawyers help families navigate through these challenges. They often assist clients in dealing with divorce, child custody and support, alimony, legal guardianship, and more.
Protecting Your Rights
A family lawyer, such as those at, must be aware of the legal concerns that arise in domestic abuse situations. A family lawyer should be able to help you navigate the procedure and ensure that your case is resolved favorably.
The first thing a family lawyer should do in a domestic violence case is to protect your rights. This means protecting yourself from the abuser and limiting their access to your property.
When you are a victim of abuse, it is vital to protect your rights by filing a criminal complaint or petitioning for an order of protection in the domestic violence court in your local area. These orders are designed to stop the abuser from harassing you or physically abusing you. They are not a permanent solution, but they can provide peace of mind while you and your attorney work to put a more lasting resolution.
Defending Your Custody Claim
When a family lawyer is called to represent you in a domestic violence case, they must know how false abuse allegations can affect your custody rights. One spouse often makes false claims of domestic violence to secure more child custody.
As a result, judges must carefully weigh the evidence of domestic violence in decisions about custody. They may not take a parent’s word on abuse, but they need proof to make the best decision for the child.
Fighting a Restraining Order
If you are a victim of domestic violence and a restraining order has been filed against you, it is important to fight the restraining order. If you don’t, it may result in jail time for you or someone else if they violate the order.
The restraining order can affect your life, from being unable to go to the restaurant you love to having money taken away by your abuser. It can even prevent you from accessing your children or your house.
Restraining orders are a serious issue that requires the attention of a professional lawyer to fight. The right attorney can help you build a strong case against your accuser and get the best possible outcome.
A family law attorney green bay wi can be a great asset when fighting a restraining order. They know what evidence to look for and what strategies to use. They can also help you develop a defense and prepare for the court hearing.
Getting the Help You Need
Domestic violence is a very real problem. It affects people of all ages, races, cultures, and economic backgrounds. It occurs primarily in relationships between adult intimate partners but also between children and their parents or family members.
A victim of domestic violence has a right to seek help from any healthcare professional. A healthcare provider can evaluate for signs of abuse, including mental health problems, anxiety, depression, and physical symptoms like backaches, headaches, stomachaches, fatigue, or substance use.
Survivors often feel afraid to disclose the abuse they are experiencing, worried their abuser will try to hurt them again. They may even wonder if the abuse is their fault, making them hesitate to get help.