If you’re wondering how to prove negligence in a slip and fall case, you’re not alone. Over 12 percent of emergency room visits result from slip and fall accidents. Twenty to thirty percent of victims suffer serious injuries. Those who sustain these injuries are likely to have a medical bill of $33,000 or more. Slip and fall accidents result in $34 billion in medical bills each year. You deserve compensation for your injuries and losses. Set up a consultation with one of the experienced attorneys at dozierlaw.com/attorneys/personal-injury-attorneys-macon.
In a slip and fall case, the person or corporation responsible for the property has to keep it reasonably safe. That duty may include taking reasonable steps to avoid a dangerous situation or to fix any issue before it results in an injury. In either situation, proving negligence is crucial to a successful case. In addition to proving negligence, you must show that the negligent party had a duty to make the property safe for everyone.
The property owner will try to argue that the condition caused your fall. That’s why it’s vital to get medical treatment to prove your injuries. You can also gather evidence like medical bills and records of the incident. The sooner you get medical treatment, the better. And, remember, you should never sign any medical release unless you have a lawyer. These forms allow third parties to obtain your medical records.
To prove negligence, you must be able to provide sufficient evidence for a jury to find the defendant liable. You can get evidence by collecting photos of the area where you fell, demanding copies of security videos, and requesting an inspection of the property. Your lawyer will help you present these details in a compelling manner. The insurance adjuster will likely have no other option but to award you a settlement. To know more on this check out this law firm.
If the defendant was negligent, the plaintiff will win their case if they can show that they were aware of the condition when they fell. But, if the defendant did not know about the condition, the plaintiff could have a difficult time proving his or her case. But, there may be hope for you with the right attorney by your side.
A jury will also look at the circumstances surrounding the accident to determine whether or not the conditions were reasonable. In a hotel lobby, for example, a person could fall in the water that had been spilled for two hours before they were hurt. And, if there weren’t any caution signs, the jury may find that the owner was negligent for failing to keep the room clean. And if it wasn’t, the jury may decide that the business owner was not diligent in conducting hourly inspections.
You should consult a lawyer as soon as you can after the accident. The sooner you contact an attorney, the better your chance of proving your case. In addition to the statute of limitations for slip and fall cases in your state, you’ll need to meet other timeliness requirements. Your attorney needs time to gather evidence and prepare your case. That means you should consult with a premises liability attorney as soon as possible.